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John Sith Pemberton portrait (Author unknown, Source: Creative Commons).
Vintage Coca-Cola advertisement.
Vintage Coca-Cola advertisement (c. 1911).
Hugo Boss company newspaper advertisement (date unknown).
Pemberton’s French Wine Coca newspaper advertisement.
Henry Ford Portrait (c. 1919, Hartsook, photographer. Source: Library of Congress).
Henry Ford with the ten millionth Model T (Source: Library of Congress).
The Dearborn Independent newspaper (1920).
‘Jesse Owens at start of record breaking 200 meter race’ (1936, Source: Library of Congress).
Hugo F. Boss’s Nazi membership (c. 1931).
The Dassler shoe factory (Source: Library of Congress).
Coco Chanel portrait (c. 1910, Source: Library of Congress).
‘Der Führer in Paris’ Adolf Hitler visiting occupied Paris, France (c. 1940, Source: The National Archives).
Ford Factory assembly line (c. 1913, Source: Library of Congress).
Bayer heroin newspaper advertisement (c. 1901).
Bayer & Co. bottle of heroin.
Entrance to the German death camp Auschwitz, in Poland (Logaritmo, Photographer, Source: Creative Commons).
John Harvey Kellogg portrait (c. 1914, Source: Library of Congress).
Vintage Kellogg’s cereal advertisement (c. 1915, Source: Library of Congress).
Vintage Kellogg’s cereal advertisement (c. 1919, Source: Library of Congress).
Workers outside of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company (c. 1897, Source: Library of Congress).
The Winchester mansion (c. 1980, HABS, photographer, Source: Library of Congress).
Sarah Winchester’s bedroom (c. 1980, HABS, photographer, Source: Library of Congress).
The Winchester mansion living room fireplace (c. 1980, HABS, photographer, Source: Library of Congress).
Leo Baekeland portrait (c. 1906, Source: Library of Congress).
Bakelite laboratory in Younkers, NY (c. 1935, Source: Bakelite Review/ Library of Congress).
Vintage Bakelite magazine advertisement (Source: Library of Congress).
Bakelite jewellery colours (c. 1924, Source: Gifts to Treasure, Embed Art Company catalogue).